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Best team up!




I love Jake and Holt teamup episodes! Jake brings out so many different things in Holt and I love it! Like, he makes him annoyed, but he also manages to make him sink to his level at times and I love it! Haha The thing with Amy is that she's the type of character that I'd usually be annoyed by. But I love her so much! Her awkwardness is what makes her so lovable... Haha Also, what you said about how Holt should've chosen Amy if he'd wanted someone to just let him do what he wanted. I both agree and disagree. Like, yes she wants his approval more than basically anything, but I think she'd just be very conflicted because she takes her job very seriously and she'd be worried about leaving him alone because what if the threat was serious (which it was.) I think it could've been a funny thing to explore this early in their relationship, because I think it could've been fun to see her conflict of "Do I do what the Captain wants me to, or do I do my job and protect him?" and it also could've been very impactful for her character. BUT, I'm very glad they went this direction because I love this episode. Jake and Holt are always great together. And I do love seeing Jake take his job seriously, because he DOES. Yes, he can be very immature and all that, but when it's important, he does take it seriously and does his best to protect people. Boyle got shot in the butt! Haha But that was definitely a big thing with Boyle's character. It really shows what kind of person he is, I think, and in a comedic way. He's VERY loyal, and he cares a lot about the Team. And despite everything, he is good at his job. :) I love Hitchcock and Scully! Haha So the show just ended a few days ago. So this was great! Haha :)