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Oh yeah, I remember what I wanted to say. Klaus' face when he asked what Mikael said was so sad. He was worried that Mikael told Hayley all sorts of horrible things, which he did. 




So I'm just rewatching people's reactions to random episodes of The Originals because I'm bored and enjoy it. Something I recently realised about the scene where Klaus turns Marcel is that he didn't have to. I mean, Marcel easily could've not given him that choice, he easily could've just let him heal him with his blood and then killed himself. But he didn't. He WANTED Klaus to do it. He wanted it to be something that Klaus agreed to. He wanted it to be a moment between them. He didn't want it to be an act of defiance or anything like that. He didn't want it to be a bad moment in their lives, he wanted it to be a good one. He wanted Klaus there when it happened, and he wanted him to be the one to kill him. And the difference in how Klaus killed Marcel and Mikael killed them is so big. Rebekah said in TVD that he wasn't gentle about it, he stabbed them all with a sword and by the sounds of it it was very painful. Klaus chose the method of killing that was likely the quickest and least painful. And he was kinda hugging him as he did it. He made sure to make it as non traumatising as he possibly could... I'm just always gonna be a sucker for their relationship and bitter that there was no scene between them in the Finale of the show... :(


What Elijah said to Hayley about never feeling that afraid, it makes sense in my opinion. Like, it wasn't just about Hayley and his feelings for her, it was also the fact that the baby was in danger and what Hayley represents to him. She and the baby represent hope for his family, and for Klaus' redemption. Of course, he cares about Hayley as a person too and would be devastated if she died. But to him, that's nothing compared to what it'd risk with Klaus and what the family would lose. So I think it makes sense. When you said Marcel can be manipulative, I just laughed. Because of course he can be manipulative. He was raised by Klaus, and around Elijah and Rebekah. I find it so interesting to see all these traits that he clearly picked up from Klaus and Elijah. There's just so much of each of them in him and I love it. It's so clear to me that he was raised by them... The scene between Klaus and Hayley. I love them so much! I definitely ship them more than Klamille. But at the end of the day I ship Klaroline and Haylijah. But I would not be against Klayley in the slightest as I honestly think they could be pretty amazing together... But I love that you can see the fear on his face as he asks Hayley what Mikael said, and then when she says nothing true, that relief. Because he KNOWS Mikael would've said horrible things, he knows he wouldn't have said anything nice. And so to hear her say that nothing Mikael said was true, that would be such a relief, to know she doesn't see him the way Mikael does, she decided to make her own judgements of him rather than allow Mikael to influence her thoughts and feelings. She can see that he cares about the baby. She can see that he cares about more people than he lets on. And the scene between Klaus and Marcel. I love that scene so much! Klaus finally got a little closure with Marcel about what happened. He got to know that Marcel doesn't think he failed him. And the way he said "I would expect nothing less" after Marcel told him he was gonna fight for his guys and until he was dead if he had to. He was proud. You can see how much he loves Marcel, all through the episode he was sending him these sad looks. I don't think he was truly angry with Marcel about what he did, he was more hurt and angry at himself. With Rebekah he was angry, but Marcel was different. Because it's different relationships. With Rebekah, she saw how badly Mikael treated him and she saw the trauma. Whereas Marcel didn't, but he did have his own with his own Father who Klaus saved him from. With Rebekah he felt anger and betrayal, but with Marcel he just felt defeated and hurt. Also about that scene. They cut loads out of it. Here's the full scene with the deleted parts. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=int90_K2isI Hayley attacking the guy at the house. I guess it makes sense? She's in extra protective mode because of the baby and so anything she perceives as a possible threat would need to be taken care of immediately. But yeah, it was a bit aggressive... Haha


I love the Klaus Camille scenes. Idk I like when she psychoanalyses him I feel Klaus seeks her out for those conversations. Subconsciously he wants to be understood. It’s like a therapist-reluctful client type deal ahaha. But I really don’t like it when she does it with everyone because it’s feels intrusive. But wow the Klaus scenes this episode got me. Klaus and Marcel goes without saying I love their relationship and it makes me sad how similar they are. Hayley accepting how much Klaus cares for the baby AND her and not believing what Mikael said. You can just see how that affected Klaus deeply. I feel like Klaus and Hayley have very similar personalities. They’re both impulsive, reactionary people. I’ll have to think about it more as we continue the show!

CJ Costley

I'm unable to see this for some reason


yeah its not playing, which is weird. I even reuploaded . Have you tried downloading it? I'm so sorry. I also see an option at the top that says view original and that seems to work