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A disturbed guy with good intentions




This episode is hard! The fact that the Unsub truly thought he was helping these people. And it makes sense, in such a horrible way. Like, I'm not a parent, but I have no idea how parents survive losing their kids, it's such a horrible thing to go through and I can't even imagine it. And the Unsub's trauma too. That's so horrible. Whenever there's a traumatic history with the Unsub I always feel bad. It doesn't condone what they do, but I always feel bad for the person who went through that. I agree with you about Haley. She's not the type of person to tell Jack that Hotch doesn't love them, or talk bad about him around Jack. I mean, she still loves him I think. I truly believe she still loves him. She just knew it wasn't working anymore, and them being together wasn't good for either of them anymore. I mean, her biggest problem was that Hotch was missing so much with Jack, so she wouldn't try and keep him from seeing him. The guy who actually killed himself. It really was heartbreaking. And part of me thinks they shouldn't have told his brother that it was actually suicide, and just let him believe that he was taken from them by a murderer. But another part of me is like, no, he needed to know and it wouldn't be fair to put the blame on someone who didn't do it. They needed to let the family come to terms with what truly happened, and that could only happen if they knew the truth. Whether they accept it or not. It's just heartbreaking that they have to live knowing that he took himself away from them, and that it wasn't someone else. Morgan taking a bit longer to accept there was a case. While it was kinda annoying, I think it's good to have someone getting you to look at things from the other perspective. Remind you of the possibility that it truly is what it looks like. But it was pretty clear that it wasn't suicides as so many happened in so little time, all with parents who lost their kids in the same place. It was very suspicious. I also really love the thing of Morgan having properties. It's such a cool character thing that I'm glad they never forgot. I love when they do that. Because we see these characters at work, and while we occasionally see them outside of work, it's mostly focused around their work lives. But we still get these glimpses into their personal lives, and it's just always good. :) Something else I love in this episode is when Reid figured out the notes weren't suicide notes, but from groups. The way he spoke about it was very uncomfortable. He clearly didn't like mentioning it, he was uncomfortable talking about it, but he knew quite a bit about them. As if he'd either been to one before, or had done a lot of research on them. Which would make sense, considering his whole addiction thing. It's a very small detail, but it's there. Also the way he said they're anonymous when asked if there would be records of who went to them, it was almost defensive, like he was upset by the thought of intruding into these people's privacy. And Hotch! I feel so bad for him with his situation, but do think it's for the best. And I'm so glad that Jack understands and gave him a hug. I love Jack so much! We do get to see a bit more of him in the show, and we get some amazing moments between him and Hotch, so don't worry (though I agree it's kinda disappointing we didn't see it this episode...) But he is so adorable and I love him! <333


I absolutely get why one would feel sympathetic to the unsub and his trauma, but at the same time.... clearly that one woman with her child was moving on and he had 0 compassion for her son and no consideration for his safety. So yeah, I wasn't super empathetic to this one tbh.... Agree with you on Hayley and Jack! And about Morgan. And I believe they made the right choice not to lie to that detective, because the truth would have come out at trial anyway. Yes, he was clearly guilty, but they'd convict him of every single murder. One that he didn't commit would have stood out.


To me, I feel more empathy for the kid who was going through the trauma than the man he grew up to be if that makes sense. Like, I feel bad because he clearly had issues and thought he was helping, but most of my sympathy goes to the kid who he used to be before he started killing people. Yeah, I definitely think they made the right choice in telling the truth for the same reasons. There's just this part of me that wishes they could've lied to him just to spare him that different type of pain. Definitely the right choice though... :)


Oh yeah, I totally get what you mean! And yeah, there would be a certain bliss and letting him believe what he wants to believe, because it gives him comfort... yet another moment for which i don't envy our team!


It’s just really sad knowing that so many kids go through horrible traumas, and then grow up to take it out on others. Of course, a lot don’t grow up and hurt others, but it’s sad knowing that it could’ve been prevented if someone had stepped in... 😔


This show just pulls at me heart strings. Thank you for sharing all your thoughts about this episode. I did notice that about Reid and I like that they didn't start questioning him about it. But we know that he's probably been in those or maybe still attend those because of his drug addiction. So sad. Also I love how well rounded these characters are and how much we learn about their private lives. Like Morgan for example. But we get so much with just their expression and the way the deliver lines. The acting is phenomenal.


I think that happens a lot to me when I read or hear about some tragic story about a kid who was abused or had trauma and then grew up to be a murderer. I feel so bad for the kid and for the person they could have been had they not been so damaged.


Yeah. The Actors on this show are all just so good! And they understand their characters so well. Of course, there are occasionally Actors who play Unsubs or victims or witnesses or whatever who aren't great, but a lot of the time even they're amazing and that just makes it better. Especially with the Unsubs, ya know? It's so good!