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Ian needs help




Ian's problem right now is that other than being in denial himself, which is apparently a big part of Bipolar and other Mental Illnesses, he's also got Mickey basically saying he's fine. Like, on the one hand he has Lip and Fiona telling him that he's not okay and that he needs to get help, and on the other he has Mickey telling him he's fine and not accepting it himself. The longer that goes on, the harder it's gonna be for him to accept it. They should've got him to a Doctor while he was depressed, or even called a Doctor over if they couldn't get him outta bed. He felt bad, so at the time he probably would've done anything to feel better, even go to a Doctor. And while that wouldn't solve everything, I think it would've made things easier on everyone. At the end of the day, it IS his responsibility to get to a Doctor and get Therapy and meds and whatever else he needs, but when he's getting such mixed messages from those he loves that's not gonna happen, especially as he can barely accept it himself that he's not well. And I understand that Mickey is scared of him going to a Doctor and getting that confirmation that something is wrong, but what he doesn't understand is that it's not a bad thing for him to get help, in fact, if he just got to a Doctor, things could get so much better for them and he wouldn't need to make plans like the one this episode in order to keep Ian from burning down Churches and killing a bunch of Homophobes... (Not that it wouldn't be deserved... Just saying... Haha) Everything with Kev and Veronica. I get both sides of that. Veronica clearly has Postpartum Depression and isn't handling motherhood in the way she thought she would. While Kevin is loving fatherhood and can't understand why Veronica isn't feeling the same. Like, this isn't to say that she doesn't love the babies, or Kev, she's just struggling right now and Kev isn't helping. That's not on either of them though, not really. Kev feels like he's alone in the parenting, shown by his conversation with Svetlana at the park, and Veronica feels alone in her struggles with parenting. They're both struggling, just with different things, and their struggles are making each other feel worse because with Kev struggling with feeling alone in parenting, it makes Veronica feel guilty for not being a better mother, and with Veronica struggling with being a mother it makes Kev have to do things alone and also feel guilty for wishing he was getting more help while he knows she's struggling. It's all a messy situation and it makes me feel bad for them both... Sammi and Sheila. I hate Sammi, I really do. She's so annoying and I just hate her. But in a way, I understand where she's coming from. With some of it. Not all of it. But some. I mean, Frank was never around for her, he searches her out to try and get her Liver, she takes care of him all through his sickness and then suddenly once he's better and Sheila's around, he's just completely ignoring her. But he doesn't tell her he doesn't want her around. He almost encourages her to stick around, while Sheila's telling her to leave. So she has her Dad mostly ignoring her, but basically letting her know she can stay, and her Dad's "wife" telling her to get lost. It'd feel like she was trying to keep her from seeing her Dad. It really does need to be Frank sitting her down and telling her he wants her to go. Like, maybe just go live away from them, and occasionally come to visit, when approved of course. She has the Gallagher's telling her that Frank's a shitty Father, she has him ignoring her and running off first chance he gets. But she doesn't have him just outright tell her that he needs some space. I still hate her though. Almost as much as Terry Milkovich and Kenyatta... I have so much respect for Sean being able to just go to Fiona's house and tell her he can't date her or anything, even though he really wants to. He knows his limits, he knows his triggers, and he wants to be there for his son and doesn't wanna do anything to risk that. And that's really good. Like, she was completely distracting him from the Meetings, and she brought out the sides of himself he needed to keep away. I kinda feel for Fiona, as to her it did feel like a personal attack and I can understand why, but at the same time, it wasn't anything personal he was just telling her the truth and asking her to respect that. Debbie's problem is definitely that she's had all these responsibilities as a kid dumped on her, like helping get money and running that Daycare and all that, she was treated like an adult with so many things, but then she was also treated like a kid. Fiona likes to pick and choose when Debbie's old enough to handle responsibility and when she's not. And I really think that's her issue right now. And I don't completely blame Fiona for that, growing up she had so much responsibility she didn't deserve and shouldn't have had, and so she almost sees that as normal, but then part of her also knows it's not and doesn't want Debbie having so much responsibility at such a young age. It's just that she can't do that, she can't give her loads of responsibility only to later treat her like a kid who can't handle any responsibility. She has to make a decision, is Debbie old enough to handle these things or is she not? And honestly, it's too late to decide she's not, as she's had so much responsibilities already... BUT, that doesn't mean Debbie's not being a bitch too. But she is a teenager and every teenager goes through that, it's just amplified due to everything else going on. I love Svetlana. It makes sense that she was kinda a bitch last season though. I mean, she was illegally sent to America, sold by her own Father, and she needed that security that Mickey offered, but with him running off first chance he got to stay at the Gallagher house, it left both her and the baby at risk. And she was also thrust into this entire situation too. She was just called out to work a job back in S3, and walked in to find Mickey and Ian basically naked, bloody and Terry holding a gun. She was basically forced into everything just as much as everyone else. So yeah, I understand why she acted the way she did last season, as she was scared and Mickey was basically her only hope. But I'm glad they've all settled into a routine and are all comfortable (to a degree...) and she's making friends, kinda... I also love the moment where Debbie walks into Kev and Veronica's and Kev asks if she knows Svetlana and Debbie just says "Of course. She's my brother's lover's baby mama." like it's the most normal thing in the world! It's just amazing to me... Haha
