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He was sent to Arkham!



Eric Pfeiffer

Food for thought: Gotham came out first (in fact, when Lucifer came out, it aired before Gotham, giving Fox am all-DC Monday line-up) . Lucifer is actually based on a DC comic too. So, it is not out of the question that the sexy assassin was Maze. Luci and Maze were on Earth for 5 years before their show began, so who knows? I think it's safe to say that the little redhead is Poison Ivy. I already like her better than the Uma Thurman version.


I was so attracted to Alfred this episode tbh... (Not that I'm not attracted to him most episodes...) I watched it with my brother (I'm watching it first time with him rn and just watched this episode) and he was teasing me throughout the ep because I was so clearly just like, in love with Alfred... Haha whoops!