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Such a great episode Klaus, Rebecka and Elijah perspective were all so compelling also the acting was so impressive.


I have got to say, the way young Klaus said the word "pathetic" was adorable... Just saying... But wow, this episode makes me emotional every time! As I've been saying through this whole story, I understand all sides in this whole thing. Everyone had a point and a reason for all they did. I'm mostly on Klaus' side for many reasons, mostly because I'm biased though as he's my favourite... But I do get Rebekah and Marcel's side to it all. The opening scene breaks my heart so much though! Showing baby Klaus and Rebekah, with Klaus comforting her during a storm, and giving her the knight he carved and promising to always stay with her. Then it immediately cutting to him yelling for her out of anger and betrayal. And your reaction to Klaus saying he carved it for Mikael. Yeah. That breaks my heart! That he was still looking for Mikael's approval. He wanted to give him something he might appreciate. (It's pretty damn impressive for someone of such a young age though! He's talented!) The flashbacks of Mikael's abuse were horrible too. And they really do show why Elijah is so dedicated to Klaus and his redemption. Just as the ones from the Pilot episode did. There have been multiple times we've seen Mikael being abusive and Elijah stood there as it happened. In this one, he was just a kid too and it was not his responsibility and he couldn't have done anything. But then there are moments where they're older that similar happened (I don't blame him though. With how they were raised, as much as he might want to help Klaus, it just became normal that he couldn't...) like his first transformation, we had Mikael calling him a beast and abomination, and Elijah was right there, then he helped hold him down for them to put the curse on him. It all comes from guilt for Elijah, that he didn't do more to protect him when he was younger, when it might've had an effect on who he is and maybe stopped him from becoming what he did. And I find that so sad, and so interesting. Klaus' moment where he yells at Elijah about how he and the others were never the recipients of Mikael's cruelty makes me sad too. There's some resentment there, understandably. Like, of course he doesn't wish that they'd suffered in the same way because he loves them and wouldn't wish that on them. But growing up like that, with your Father clearly hating you, being the only one he treated that way, that's gonna cause some resentment, make you feel alone in a way. It's really sad... The moment where Klaus says he wonders if Mikael's father ruined him too. So good! That's him deciding that he's no longer going to use Mikael as an excuse for hurting those he loves, and it's beautiful. It's him realising that just because you were hurt, doesn't mean you can't hurt others. Because you can. Like, it's him realising that Mikael's Father could've been just like Mikael, treated him terribly, made him into the monster he became, but that doesn't mean it was okay for him to treat Klaus that way, or to hunt all of them for 1000 years. So powerful, him finally realising that he has a choice, a chance to break the cycle. As for Davina. I believe that part of the reason she opened up so quickly with Cami, but not Marcel is that she HAD wanted to talk about it. But, first of all, like she said, she wasn't sure she could trust him as he was immediately looking for her to save Rebekah. But also, the reason the Ancestors were so angry is because she used her magic against Witches to help Marcel, like Genevieve said. I honestly think that part of it was her not wanting him to feel guilty about it. Whereas Cami, she both felt she could trust her, and also didn't feel like she'd upset her with what she had to say. Though I do get what you mean about how it almost seems like the writers are trying to make her useful by having everyone just able to open up to her. I respect Marcel for just wanting to get it over with with Klaus. He didn't run, he didn't hide, he just went to talk to him and accept whatever Klaus did. But I respect Klaus far more for just walking away. But I really feel like his feelings about it with Marcel are much different to those with Rebekah. Like I've said before, Klaus saved Marcel from a situation so similar to Klaus' with Mikael. There's a whole other betrayal there than with Rebekah, and it hurts him in a much different way. I do feel that he needs a conversation with Marcel, but I think that would be a lot different than with Rebekah. I mean, with Rebekah he had to face how he treated her and all that, but with Marcel. That's his son. He's got to face the possibility that he screwed up as a father with Marcel. And that's much scarier for him, for multiple reasons. One being this fear of being like Mikael, of damaging Marcel in a way he can't take back. But the other being that he's about to have another child, a baby, and so he's likely terrified of failing the baby too. At the end of the day, Marcel's betrayal represents something much different to Rebekah's, and that must terrify and hurt him more than anything. But also, what he said to Rebekah, about how Marcel chose to stay in New Orleans instead of trying to find her. That clearly hurt him a lot too, that he didn't come find them. We've seen that, he's said it himself that him not seeking them out to let them know he was alive hurt him. That he grieved him. Also, what he said to Elijah about how memories of Rebekah as a child only make her betrayal hurt more. I get where he's coming from with that, because I actually feel the same in a way. Seeing her defend Klaus to Mikael, be so sweet and loving, and just wanting to protect her brother. This shows that she KNOWS how much Mikael hurt him, she witnessed it all, she knew Niklaus the scared child who was put through so much. And yet she still brought Mikael to town. She still brought her brother's abuser back into their lives. I love Rebekah finally seeing what Elijah sees in Klaus though. Realising that their brother is still in there somewhere and that there's a chance for redemption. Klaus still having the knight. Back in the pilot episode he called Elijah a "Sentimental Fool" and yet he's the one who still has a toy he gave Rebekah when they were children. 1000 years ago... Haha I love him so much!


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about this episode. It was one of my favorites and it left e so heartbroken. I agree with everything you said and OMG the sentimental fool part! Keeping that toy all these years. I love him so much. Klaus walking away from Marcel is so iconic because its something that he would't have done before. I can't wait to watch the next episode!