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I love Chris and Melissa so much! There's something so adorable about their interactions... I also love how Chris was really quick to say Malia coming at them wasn't her fault. It just really shows his growth. Like, we've seen him change and realise werewolves aren't all monsters, since like Season 2. But there's something about him saying so quickly that it wasn't Malia's fault that she came at him, that she could've seriously hurt him, or killed him and Melissa. Yeah... Nathan was annoying. Like, in a way I get it. He was freaked out and these people just told him and a bunch of others that these supernatural creatures were after them and they had to stay in this creepy underground bunker full of weapons with this man they don't know. I'd be freaked out too. But at the same time, he SAW the Ghost Riders, he knew they were after him. He didn't only endanger himself, he endangered everyone down there. And got them all erased. Plus, after everything that's happened in that damn town, you'd think people would be more willing to listen when told they're in danger from something supernatural... Haha As for Liam wanting to catch a Ghost Rider alone. I think he was just freaked out by what happened at the game and that they lost everyone they were trying to protect. He lost any faith in himself he had, and I don't think he had much to begin with. So I think he was just freaked out by the thought of not being able to protect his friends, and frustrated by what happened. I don't think he necessarily thought he could do it himself, it was more he'd rather fail alone and only he get erased, then succeed but lose those he cares most about in the process. Also, I don't know much about IED, but I have done a little research and it said that people with IED often push people away and have trouble maintaining healthy relationships (romantic and platonic) so that would explain it too a bit. Yeah, I really think he was just freaked out by what had happened. He was really quick to accept their help, so I don't think he was actually gonna try and do it alone. There's also the possibility that he just wanted to be alone at that moment, and was gonna ask them for help whenever he decided to do it as I doubt he'd be planning to do it at that exact moment, and they were just worried about leaving him alone. Yeah, I have a lot of theories about that. Liam's my favourite character, so I just kinda analyse his character a lot... I won't bother writing everything rn... Haha