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YAY! Rossi is here! :D I actually really like that he didn't just come in and be able to fit into the team dynamic and all that. Because when Emily first joined, she just fit right in and was quick to be able to work as a team. And I loved that, I love Emily and how quickly she just fit into the Team, like she had some issues with Hotch and Gideon taking a little while to accept her into the team, but she was immediately able to work with them well. Whereas Rossi isn't used to working with a team, and I really like that it was a different dynamic. He's clearly good at his job (he was with Hotch for like, 2 days, and he realised he and Haley were separated... And he obviously worked out how to find the Unsub and all that...) he just needs to adapt into the teamwork and stuff. And it leaves room for character development, ya know? He can grow from doing things himself to working with the Team and sharing more with them. But yeah, I love him so much! He and Reid are my favourites... I adore every character on the show, but like, those two are right at the top for me... :) I'm definitely excited for you to see more of him and all that. And for you to eventually get a little more information on that Case he had Garcia get the files from. I like that it's kinda a bit of a mystery. Like, we can get the idea of it, but we don't have the details and so it's something to look forward to finding out more about... :) The end with the Team handing out sweets to the kids. Aaaw! And that bit near the beginning with Morgan, Reid and Emily. Those 3 have such a fun dynamic. They're like 3 siblings. I just love that Reid and Emily were able to move past the whole stuff with the drug problem and Reid snapping at her constantly. It's so much nicer this way! Haha Honestly, the whole team are just a family. With Hotch as the Dad and Gideon as the runaway Dad and Rossi as the Uncle-Dad... And the rest as the kids who they have to deal with... Hahaha But anyway. Super excited that you're finally introduced to Rossi! I really hope you continue to like him... :)


So I'm gonna be real careful about what I say and only talk about these episode by episode, but my first impression of Rossi has remained the same as when I first watched it. He comes across really arrogant to me and it makes him unlikable in his first season (at least to me!) The way he doesn't communicate at all with the team, the way he ignores them and makes no effort to talk with them about the case, and the way he's so secretive really bugs me. The fact he put the woman at risk by baiting him with the mask like that! I get he's this hot-shot profiler but times have moved on since he last did the job. It's been 10 years since he worked at the BAU. You can't just come back after a decade away and expect everything to run the same. like I said I don't want to spoil anything, so I will only say he does grow on me, but for this season at least in my opinion he comes across very arrogant.