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I cant with this show




This episode is so hard to watch! I feel so bad for the kids! Carrie is so strong! The way she was able to show compassion to the man who killed her little brother and aided in killing her parents, who is the reason she has to live without them for the rest of her life, so the Team could find the other one and save other families and get justice for her family. She's so strong! She went through so much this episode! It's so sad! And that kid! Tyler! All the kids in that Foster Home! They do not deserve this! I hate that it's so realistic though. A lot of Foster parents just do it for the money, and don't treat the kids well, they keep food from them because it takes money from what they deem to be theirs, they're just cruel. It's just so sad to know that it happens in real life and nothing is really being done to stop it... Morgan is so good with kids. Especially when they've been through something traumatic. And I think part of it comes back to what he went through in his youth. He understands in a sense. Of course, the situations are often different, but he just understands going through such awful trauma at a young age. And he cares so much about them all! And Emily wanting to take Carrie in. As much as I admire her for it, it just wouldn't have been practical. Carrie just went through something highly traumatic, and unless Emily was willing to give up her job in the BAU to parent her full time, it just wouldn't work. Someone with such a trauma would need parents that are there, that are home every night and not someone with unpredictable hours like they have. That's not to say they can't have kids of their own or anything, just that taking in a traumatised kid wouldn't be practical for someone with their hours and unpredictable schedule, where they're in different cities half the time... I really do admire her for wanting to take her in though. And if it weren't for the fact that Carrie needs stability, I think Emily would've been a great Guardian for her. She already liked her, they got along, and she understands what Carrie went through because she worked on the case and all that. But also, another thing, the fact that she worked on the case could make it more difficult, considering the Team would be linked to her family's murder in her mind. Not that they're at fault or anything, but when you go through something like that, you're probably gonna associate the Police people who worked the case with the event that happened... :( The scene in the house breaks my heart every time though! Like I said, Morgan is just so good with kids! He's amazing and I love him so much! Onto some lighter topics! Garcia specifically being told she's on Speaker, yet her instinct is to just still have an inappropriate greeting... Oh, I love her so much... Haha And the fact that JJ and Reid were eating Donuts in the shop where there was almost a shoot out... The fact that they literally sat down to eat Donuts after that... What you said about like, who's really to blame in these situations. I totally agree. Like, yes, at the end of the day, the men are the ones who killed all those people. They are responsible for what they did and that doesn't change. But it is highly unlikely that they would've become killers if they hadn't been in such an abusive household as kids. That woman is definitely also at fault for it. Also, I can't decide who I find more disgusting. Parents who abuse their own kids, the kids they brought into the world by choice and treat like shit. Or those who bring these kids without parents into their homes just to get money from the State, only for them to treat them like shit. I mean, Abusive Foster Parents are basically getting paid to abuse these kids... I'm not saying which kids in which situation have it worse, they all have it horribly and none of them deserve it. Just, what kind of person do you have to be to harm kids? It's so horrible! Ugh! Abuse is just disgusting! I am so lucky that I grew up with loving parents who treated me well. And that's honestly sad. That I'm LUCKY to have grown up in a safe and loving environment... That some kids aren't so lucky... It literally breaks my heart... It's why I'm gonna adopt rather than giving birth... (When I'm ready... I'm only turning 19 at the end of this month... Haha) <333


The scene at the end with Tyler totally breaks me too. Morgan is so great at talking people down and being a comfort. My heart aches for children who are put in these situations where they feel they have no other option. It’s so sick and twisted to make someone so innocent hold a gun in fear. The song in the background kicking in when the shot was fired instantly got me in tears.


As soon as the shots are heard, I cry. Doesn't matter how many times I've watched this episode, I cry every single time.