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This kinda broke me




I'll be honest. I'm not a big fan of this episode. I hate the idea that victims who survived would be hunted down by a random serial killer with a shitty motive of vengeance against Gideon. And I think it extra-pisses me off because the victim was Rebecca, from my favorite episode of season 1/2, who already had a shitty life, then went through shitty captivity, just to end up getting murdered. Similarly, I'm not a fan of female characters getting murdered by male characters in order to hurt male characters. It's such a trope... It also doesn't help that I don't find Frank in any way interesting. What I liked about it though is the scenes with Hotch and Strauss


I'm in the minority of people who actually likes Strauss. She is just doing her job. She doesn't always go about it in the best way (with Emily and all that...) but she does have to handle a lot of the things that happen. When they go about things in the wrong way, she has to deal with it, she has to think about all that other stuff that they don't really consider. I love Hotch profiling the Team though. I like seeing how Hotch sees his Team, it's cool. :) I feel awful for Gideon throughout this. He did not deserve this at all! It's just way too much for anyone to handle... He really does need a break tbh... Having Frank go after people they saved in the past just hurts so much. Like, they saved these people. They worked so hard to find Rebecca, it was such a big thing, and they saved her. Then she died like, a year later... So unfair... So glad she was the only one though... I'm so glad they managed to save Tracey, and all those others too. I wish they'd been able to save Rebecca too, but I don't put that on them. It wasn't their fault. (Though it does make me think that they should just make sure all victims in the future meet every member of the Team just so that can't happen again...) I feel awful for Jane... Frank destroyed her. The moment he came into her life, it was over. He didn't kill her back then, but he may as well have. And that responsibility of him not killing while he has her is not something she deserved. That should not be her responsibility. It's HIS. It's just so unfair... :( What makes it harder watching Gideon go through all this is that Mandy left the show because he couldn't handle the stuff they were dealing with. So in a way, he was going through the same thing, just with less actual murder... (I only say this because you said you know he leaves at some point...) The fact that working on this show was too much for him is really sad... :( Excited for you to start S3! :D


So insult to injury? The character of Gideon's girlfriend, Sarah was supposed to be the same woman from The Fisher King Pt 1. Different actress, same character. I checked. So they've at least been dating a year? Maybe way longer? Fuck.