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That Detective is wonderful and I love him! He truly cared about these people, they all knew and liked him, they greeted him with easy smiles and waves and handshakes. The fact that he refused to give up and worked hard to convince people that something was going on, and to get assistance in finding out what it was. Also, fun fact! He was played by the same Actor who played Clayton Gallagher (Ian's Bio Dad) on Shameless! :) And the Captain was Rufus on Supernatural! :D (Which is why, although I hate the character, I can't help but grin every time he appears on screen... Haha) The fact that the Captain dude just didn't care about what was going on really hurts me. Like, come on, some part of him HAD to know that his Detective was right and something was going on, he just didn't care much because they were homeless people and prostitutes and addicts, and he could get away with it because no one was reported missing, so people wouldn't be on his back about not investigating... It's really sad... :( I LOVE that Hotch and Gideon both have this immense respect for their Team. Like, Gideon is the most experienced of them, and Hotch is the Leader, and yet they both always listen to what everyone has to say, they don't dismiss them or their abilities, they trust and respect them and even more so when they refuse to stand down on something they believe in, even if it's something no one else believes is true. They don't mind when the Team kinda challenges their authority (so long as they're not disrespectful in the process...) because it means they really believe what they're saying and they like that they stand up for that. And I love when they tell them how much they respect them, like the moment on the jet with Hotch and JJ. Sometimes they all need a bit of approval and praise, and JJ and Garcia in a different way to the others because they're not Profilers, and so they could easily be dismissed as lesser or just dismissed, but they always listen to their opinions and thoughts on things, and don't talk down to them. I just like it. :) Morgan is SO GOOD! The fact that he called that woman beautiful really did probably make her day. He truly cares about people, and knows how to talk to them and just tries to make them feel good about themselves. He really is such a good guy and I love him! :) "Reid got propositioned by every Prostitute we talked to." Well, I mean, I can't say I blame them... But that line always cracks me up. Hotch just says it in such a serious tone, but there was literally no reason to tell them other than to mess with him a little (because we all know Morgan and Emily will tease him relentlessly about it!) and I always love when Hotch kinda joins in on the teasing and all that, because he's usually so serious, and so seeing him kinda let loose a little and have that playful side to him is always nice. Plus, Reid's reaction to it, just an awkward nod of "Yes, that happened. We do not have to talk about this. What does it have to do with the case, Hotch?" is adorable! (And that moment where the girl is messing with his tie and he takes it back and tucks it back into his jacket is so cute!) I really can't blame them though... (If it's not obvious, Reid is my favourite, which is why I often end up talking about him most in my comments... Hahaha) While Gideon isn't my favourite or anything, I do still love him and I love seeing him smile and laugh and just be happy and free to laugh. He often seems so haunted and saddened by all that he's seen working at the BAU and so seeing him laughing so freely and joyously is so great! And Hotch joining him too, then Morgan teasing them for being old and watching it on a Projector, and Hotch's small laugh at Morgan's comments. (Hotch's reactions to things are always great. I especially love when he smiles fondly at a team member being a dumbass... So adorable!) Then the end scene with everyone sitting around watching Chaplin. I LOVE moments like that. Where they just get some time to hang out and enjoy themselves, let go of some of the pain and horror that they experience almost daily... Morgan and Garcia cuddling (I love their friendship. So many people wanted them to get together, but I always thought that'd just ruin the charm of their friendship...) JJ throwing popcorn at Spencer, who is sat forward in his chair completely focused on it... Everyone just having a good time and laughing. Especially after such a horrible episode! Now onto the case a little. This was HORRIBLE! The ones that include torture are always horrible. But the psychological torture is almost worse at times, than the physical torture. I mean, that fear, that dread that if you don't somehow escape, you're gonna get killed in such a horrible way. And I love dogs, but getting attacked by a big dog is one of my biggest fears. I never really thought much about it until I watched 2x14/15 with Tobias Hankel and there was the woman who was killed by the dogs, then JJ having to kill them in order to survive. But it would be horrible and it's honestly terrifying!


Omg this case freaked me out and I’m usually not the type to be so affected but I really hated watching this. It’s genuinely a nightmare to be stuck in some sort of survival exercise. I feel there would be no point of even trying to escape because the unsub could easily pretend like time is up when it isn’t. They’re never really going to let you go. Like just end me now instead of this torture. I feel for the survivor. I also wonder how she can ever recover from such an experience. If I was her I’d be wary of any vans/cars or big buildings I come across! Oh and I have to agree with DazzleFae above! I love Hotch and Gideon’s dynamic. Usually the older and more experienced person is the leader of the group but here Hotch is. Gideon does share his knowledge in a similar way but he doesn’t undermine Hotch at all. They’re both the dads of the group and it’s great :)


Right? t was so disturbing. The whole survival idea, how he thought he was cleaning the street, how little care the department had when it came to these people missing. It was so sad. That poor girl will never be the same. I cant even imagine how you can start to pull yourself out of this mentally.


That detective was everything and I wish we had more like him in real life. But omg I didnt recognize him! Also Reid LOL. I love it when Hotch teases his team mates because yeah, what does this have to do with anything?? The whole case was just terrifying and sad. I'm so glad they were able to help and that someone cared enough to find justice for these people. ITs awful how they are not even considered as people by the department. I wonder if that Sgt is feeling super guilty that his indifference got people killed. Getting bit by dogs is a nightmare scenario ... no thank you.