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Silas, the exposition dumper (:




Sorry multiple comments, phone typing. Anyways as far as exposition goes this show is GREAT at show don't tell. Which is why. you knew all that before Silas said it. Now the show repeating it here isn't because they don't TRUST the viewers to figure it out for themselves. I believe they are doing this not because of the demographic but because they don't trust them to REMEMBER it after the Summer hiatus. We have a whole lot of lore here that people need to remember from like four months between the Season 4 Finale and Season 5 Premiere. Lol you just watched 4x23 last week, of course you remember it. Another instance I can think of them doing this is in 4x10. When Rebecca compelled them all to tell her about the cure hunt and then she was like "now we're all caught up" That was because 4x9 aired at the beginning of December and 4x10 didn't air til like February.


I agree 100 per cent that they do a great job at show dont tell and foreshadowing, but sometimes they dont leave it there. And this happens on multiple occasion and not just to get people caught up on plots. Elena is a great example where you have Stefan constantly tell me she is compassionate while she is doing the opposite of compassion. And sometimes they are showing me something amazing and then they ruin it by having characters comment on it. An example that comes to mind is the episode where Damon walks into church and dips his fingers in holy water. Ian then smiles so cynically that its hilarious in itself but then Damon is like ... "holy water always makes me smile". Why? We just say you smile. Or when they discovered that killing the originals would kill them too. Stefan tells the room that it must be the bloodline because Finn turned Sage and they died minutes later. Then Caroline clarifies that if you kill and original every other vampire from that bloodline would die. Then Elena clarifies even more by saying that if the originals die then both Caroline and Stefan would die. And then later that episode Caroline tells Elena that Klaus did turn one of them, Tyler. And again, they go through this whole thing about how killing Klaus would kill Tyler. We're not dumb. We just learned this. It's just moments like that that I wished had been done differently because they would carry more impact that having characters describe whats happening. Plus I think there are better ways to bring the audience up to date but they went the easier route. Four seasons down and I'm already used to it so its not that bad. It's not Pretty Little Liars bad.


@nostalgicgirl lol we aren’t dumb. Like Savannah said though, lol others are. I had to stop watching one cause he just didn’t get like anything and then would be mad at the show for being stupid or inconsistent when really it was just him that hadn’t picked up on the million clues or forgot. Lol he thought Stefan turned Elena at the end of season 3 and didn’t understand when Meredith said “ I helped her”. He was then mad that Stefan turned her offscreen lol