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So much ugly crying




Poor Hotch! He really went through it this episode. First he watches that poor woman die, then he makes a connection with Abby and he dies. It's so sad! :'( I also like that little bit of background on Hotch. We got a hint that his Dad was abusive back in S1, but we haven't really got all that much information on his life. I also felt really bad for Abby with them suspecting him and showing him those pictures. That was so horrible! I understand why they did it, they needed to see his reaction, but that must've been awful for him! Love that Reid seems to be doing better too! Rambling statistics again, having a better relationship with Emily to the point she feels comfortable teasing him without the fear of him snapping at her for it. Reid and Emily friendship is one of my favourites of the show. I just love that Emily doesn't hold any of that crap against him. He's getting better, and she's not making that harder for him by holding a grudge about how he acted towards her during the worst of his struggles. I just love that. She sees that he's getting better, and so she works with that. It's like "Okay, you're being nice again and working through your issues, I'm not gonna make it harder for you. If you're willing to work with me, I'm willing to work with you too." (Plus, that moment was just so fun! Poor Spence! Trying and failing to be more conversational... Haha) I don't understand how people can kill anyone in any way. Let alone children, and in such an awful way! Watching kids burn to death, wow! I just do not get how people can do stuff like that... It's horrible.


Also, love how you picked up on that "Next time I'll go" from Gideon. It's so horrible that they know there'll be a next time. But there IS something funny about it, just the fact that their lives are so full of this awful stuff. It's dark humour... Haha


This was a sad episode. What a complete psychopath the unsub was to actually watch them burn. I like that they didn’t go deep into the motives of the unsub because it’s something that I can never understand. It’s so twisted and they left it at that. They did focus on Hotch early on and it came full circle as to why. The guy sacrificed himself and did the right thing. Unfortunately him detaching himself from his son has ripple effects because the son doesn’t have new happy moments to remember him by. But Hotch coming by surely helps that. He understands. I’m only currently watching this show but the Reid situation confuses me too. I don’t know what the general consensus is but I feel like the team are not helping at all. He says things that are concerning “you can’t beat it without help” and then they don’t actually talk to him and help. It feels like Gideon has spoken to him about struggling with his place in the team in general but not about his addiction. Surely ignoring the problem is worse. Now Reid is probably suspicious of whether they know or not which could add to the problem. The shared glances they give are unhelpful. Idk maybe it’s just me who thinks this. I’m also not sure whether he’s still using or not it’s all so vague. It’s nice he’s adjusted back into the team though. The scene with Abby in the hospital was so difficult to watch. I think they did the right thing by not telling her the truth. She deserves to pass with some sort of peace. She’s suffered enough. Knowing that she was the only one to survive out of her entire family would’ve been devastating to pass with.


With Reid, I think the reason why the team is not stepping in yet is that Reid didn't ask for their help. Even if they stepped in and tried to stage an intervention, if Reid doesn't want to quit then he's not going to. Most addicts don't ask for help until they've reached rock bottom. All that you can do is hope and pray that they reach out for help and be there for them when they've hit rock bottom. Until then it hurts to see someone that you care about go through this sickness and know that the only person that can save them is them.


That all makes sense. It’s not really an intervention that I wanted to see because of course it wouldn’t work if he didn’t want it to. Just some supporting conversations and acknowledgment would’ve been nice. Him saying that addicts can’t beat it without help was about the case but it felt like a cry for help because it mirrored his own life. The way it’s been addressed without a conversation at least feels weird because I’m still not 100% sure how deep they think the problem is. But I assume as profilers they do.


Yeah for a bunch of profilers who deal a lot with people who have PTSD and drug issues, they aren't really doing a great job when one of their own struggles with either of those things... first Elle, now Reid. Though I feel like they were harsher on Elle and more ignorant with Reid? Might just be me though...


@tom I agree! There is a difference in how Elle and Reid were treated. I really feel for Elle because she should never have been cleared to go back to work again. She was struggling and then eventually lost it by killing that unsub. I have only recently started the show so I hope this isn’t a cycle that continues with everyone else. Communication goes a long way.


Jeez, I forgot how many sad episodes season 2 had. At least we had a case where the killer was just a dick, I guess? But yeah, the case was rough. Started out emotionally brutal with the mom surviving long enough to ask about her son, continued with showing us the family in the car, had the Hotch stuff... uff.

Ida Eriksson

I think we have started to see a pattern develope when it comes to trauma within the team. With both Elle, Morgan and Reid there is a certain level of caution from the others and, as much as I sometimes wish they would push more, I also understand why they don't. Remember, these people psychoanalyze everybody they come in contact with during their work. If they would start to do the same about each other it would probably become a strain on the work relationship and perhaps feel like an invasion of privacy in a way. And like you said in the reaction, we don't know how much the team knows about Reid's drug addiction. The way they handled Elle was bad and it's better with Reid, perhaps because they've learnt something and also because he's the youngest (and the dynamic is different) but everybody on the team haven't seen all the signs that we as viewers has. And talking with each other about another co-workers problem in detail is probably not something they want to do lightly. So I feel for Reid but I also understand the caution from the rest at this moment.


I love all your comments and thoughts about this issue. I think everyone has some very good points regarding Reid and how the team deals with inside trauma. I do feel like this was handled better than Elle because she should have never been placed in a situation like that. They could sense that she was not over her trauma and yet they sent her off to play decoy inside an empty house - waiting for a rapist to show up to try and hurt her. Of course she snapped. I do wish we had seen Reid in some type of therapy so we could see what happens and the steps the members of the team go through in order to be cleared. Because it really felt like Reid came back to work the next day. I do find it interesting though how these are the best profilers, ready to tackle any situation but when it comes to one of them they don't know how to handle it because its more personal. Or like @Ida Eriksson said, they are a lot more cautious about it. So perhaps it would be best if someone from outside the team tackled these problems so that their work relationships are not affected.