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Scott )))):




Yup the group definitely seem quite fractured. It’s really interesting to talk about. Scott being the true alpha has been synonymous with purity and innocence. It’s like Scott isn’t even Scott he’s a symbol or a figurehead. Like a teacher or authority figure who shouldn’t make mistakes. They just don’t feel they can come to him anymore but it’s not like something has actively happened. It feels like how you described where it’s not like he’s the alpha. To me it reminds me of Derek in season 3 (I think this was the season) and where Issac turned to Scott before he even became an alpha. It’s like that now where Scott feels like an alpha in name only but not in the way he was before. Not where it truly counts and you can feel the trust and communication between everyone. Where all the characters would look to him, he would make mistakes but they supported each other throughout. Kind of like a combined group effort but now everything feels like their own separate paths. And what makes it worse is Theo manipulating the entire situation to make the cut deeper. I liked how it all came together this episode where Theo finally got the support of the group. The look Scott gave him felt a bit like insecurity and a bit like wow the dynamics have really changed. Like it was the first time he really noticed it. Plus Stiles wasn’t there and it didn’t really feel like a huge win. Even watching as the audience, you feel like Scott. The Stiles situation is also interesting. I’ve only just thought this while rewatching with you but PTSD could play a huge role. When he was Void Stiles he went through a lot, Allison died and so on. Perhaps he feels like this would be the last straw. That Scott would think he’s become so damaged from what happened that he really just lost it. If we hadn’t of seen what happened it would have been a plausible theory. It also would’ve been so interesting now that I’m imagining it ahah. But back to the whole thing about trust. I think Stiles kind of resents the fact that Scott is easily trusting. It puts him in a place where he’s alone with his suspicions of Theo, that he’s just paranoid. He slowly starts to investigate things on his own without Scott because he trusts Theo. And then when the thing happens with Donovan he’s alone too. This becomes another thing he thinks Scott won’t understand or relate to because he’s a true alpha. He does the right thing and he’s who they look up to. All this goes into how I feel the group dynamics have changed. But then we see Scott with some edge this episode. It’s so nice to see. Even him just losing his composure and not being calm and all knowing. It seems odd to the group but it reminds me of who he used to be in the older seasons. Even him just panicking and showing he doesn’t have all the answers is refreshing because he’s only human. This comment is so long but I’ll just say I really found the parallels between Scott and Derek so interesting this episode. How he gained the pack before and how he’s kinda lost it now. I feel like I finally have a lot to say about Scott and can understand him better. I wish he wouldn’t blame himself for everything though. He’s only one person and it really felt like he was alone through all the decisions he made this episode :(


Couldnt have said it better myself. I didn't connect the dots with Scott and Derek but its so true! It's the exact same thing. And its really sad when the ideal is more than the person. Because Scott is the true alpha there are expectations that come from this and maybe everyone is staring to feel like hes too good and therefore he wouldnt understand their struggles? I might talk about this more on the next episode because its very interesting!


Okay, so even though it was him being all manipulative, it is adorable how thankful everyone was to Theo for saving Liam and Hayden... As in, it really shows how much they care about Liam (they barely know Hayden...) He's the youngest in the Pack and they're all totally protective of him and it's adorable how worried they all were...