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We definitely have sort of the same analytical process. We just seem to differ on the show’s intent. I think they are showing us how there is no real good guys or bad guys and she seems to think they are trying to portray some of the characters as better or more ‘good’ than others


I’m happy to know we have the same analytical process. However I don’t think that the show has that intent. I understand that the show is showing that there are no good guys or bad guys, especially where the brothers are concerned because they both show good and bad traits. What I mean is that there is a "special treatment" where Elena is concerned. She is the only character with this problem on the show and it just so happens that she is the protagonist. To me they do portray her as always having the moral high ground. Certain rules do not apply to her. Elena is held to a different standard to other characters and she is never compromised. Even when she is saying and doing things that are kind of messed up they portray in such a way that makes it seem like she’s right. Even when she makes mistakes it is shown as being justified. She is never held accountable for anything. They contradict themselves because they are telling us that she is a compassionate person and yet she does things that a compassionate person wouldn't do but it is not acknowledged by anyone. Like going back to the Kol thing. If this had been shown in a way that made people raise a brow and say, “jeez Elena that's bad.” I wouldnt have a problem. Even if that was a good plan it would be great if they had shown something that showed that she was acting against her morals and so called compassion. But they painted as being ok because Elena, the most compassionate person ever, said it was ok when it wasn’t. And they give her way too much importance. Even when something is happening to other characters it somehow goes back to her and how she feels about it and how it affects her. Whether it is a conscious decision or purely accidental the writers seem to want to force the idea that Elena is the most special snowflake and everyone just dances to her song. She has a fight with Caroline who should be stronger but somehow Elena gets the upper hand because she was trained with Alaric. But Caroline doesn’t even get a single punch in when she was able to take Damon, military trained Damon, when she was angry at him. She tried to kill Caroline and Bonnie and I bet that when she gets her humanity back that she’s not going to apologize, or try to make amends, and she's going to walk around like nothing happened or like she's owned something because that's how they write her. I think the writers do an amazing job with every other character as far as characterization goes except with Elena and in my opinion they make the character a disservice because she could be so much more interesting if they weren’t so determined to present her as everything that Katherine is not. Idk, its very frustrating to me ):


Yeah I admit I wanted to see Caroline kick her ass... I get your frustration with Elena’s portrayal. I still don’t think that at this point they are doing that with Katherine and Elena though. The you poor victim thing I just saw as one more rude thing coming out of no filter Elena. It wasn’t Elena saying she wasn’t the victim. She twists everything people say into the worst way she can think of and then mocks them with it. Clearly no humanity Elena can’t stand the whiney person she used to be and says so like what she said to Damon about going back to being the whiney little girl who couldn’t admit what she wanted. I mean before Elena was a vampire I agree but now... Remember in 4x6 where all Elenas worst fears about herself are manifesting as hallucinations she tells herself a lot of truth there and dealing with all of it is what pushes her to admit she isn’t the good person she used to be and she kinda comes to terms with the fact that she’s a vampire and even that she liked killing people. She has always been more like Damon. She says that if doing bad things will protects the people that she loves and that makes her the bad guy then she will be the bad guy. Humanity on Vampire Elena has relapses into self righteousness but it’s nothing like when she was human. I’m not saying you are wrong you see things how you see them it’s all good