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I guess no one cares about Kol #shrug



Connie Kay

I can not have any sympathy for Katherine at all. Nobody was there for her you say? Damon would have done anything for her for 145 plus years. She told him she never loved him after he waited for her. She has many opportunities with many people but always screws them over in the end. She could have had as many lasting friendships as Elena has but she would rather just depend on herself. Her choice.


That's fair. When I said she had no one though I was talking about the time when she was human. When she too had been chosen as a sacrifice she only had herself to rely on while Elena had her friends. And ever since she learned that she could only count on herself. By the time she met Damon she was already too far gone.

Lucile Byrd

I agree the show forces unfair comparisons all the time, not just between Elena and Katherine, but I feel the main comparison viewers are forced to choke on is the comparison between Stefan and Damon. Alot of things were absurd (not necessarily in a bad way) about this episode, but to me the most annoying thing was the scene where Rebekah took the fake cure. Stefan showed up several moments before she took it, with more than enough time to vamp speed to her and try to stop her from taking it. Instead, he stands there and watches and then turns angry judge-y eyes to Damon laying on the floor after having his whole head shoved into a fish tank of vervain water, his skin still recovering from the burns, and places the full blame on Damon. Like, really?!