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What is buried there? or who???




Yup it’s a different actor for Jason! I always forget there used to be someone else playing him in season 1 ahah. I really like Toby and Spencer too, individually and together. The ending scene with Ezra and Aria was so ridiculous. Like sir you can still go to jail😭 And omg yes! I didn’t start watching when it aired originally I maybe began watching when season 5 aired. But I’ve lost count of how many insane theories everyone made up that just made absolute sense at the time. It was so frustrating. Now looking back, the whole hype with pretty little liars was definitely the community trying to uncover the mystery. It was fun seeing how insane the latest trending theory was because it changed so often. It’s like the show exists in its own time and space lol. I can’t imagine this being made now and people being as interested and hooked.


But arent they working on a reboot or remake or something?? I'm curious to see how they plan on getting it done lol. I do imagine that the hype got people really interested, specially with all of the fan theories.


Oh I didn’t know about a reboot, that is very interesting. The spin offs did get cancelled but it would be cool to see where they go again this time.


Yeah they are rebooting it on HBO Max, same as Gossip Girl, so there's potential for something better. I read somewhere that they are making it scarier with "more murder", but its written by the writers of Riverdale and Chilling adventures of Sabrina.... so i have very low expectations lol. No way they can make it worse than the OG though, hopefully. I mean we can all collectively agree this show is ridiculous, but in a good way lol. If they want people to be interested it definitely needs to be more realistic, otherwise it's just going to get cancelled like the other 2 spin-offs. I'm personally more excited for the Gossip Girl reboot, but we'll see.


Watching the show as a child definitely hits different, it came out when I was in middle school and I remember taking it so seriously with my friends and everyone on social media. I also read the book series as a child (which were way better than the show) but of course they're way different, but I get that it would ruin the mystery to make it the same. There definitely was a craze for a while that I believe started maybe later this season or in s3/s4, and the writers always put little clues on their twitter. Everyone would have the craziest theories, but like S said, they made sense and honestly probably would have made the series better LMAO. I remember going deep into reddit posts trying to figure shit out, but no one ever guessed things right lol. It really was a time, now I just laugh with you when I watch it cause it really is a comedy.


Savannah, I’m the same! It really is a comedy to me now. It’s a ridiculous show but it really is entertaining. I don’t know how they’ve managed it.


In just having fun watching the silliness lmao. It's just so ridiculous but in a fun and entertaining way.