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Thats cold



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

What Would Lucifer Do?- Thank you so much for another fun episode reaction for Lucifer, dear friend! I enjoy this episode overall... however, I also have a few issues with it as well, mostly in regards to Lucifer's character throughout most of this episode. And it's nothing to do with Tom Ellis' acting. It's all to do with how Lucifer's character is written throughout most of this episode. It really bothers me that Lucifer is written to act so out of character for him. I mean... he cares very deeply about Chloe and the episode from the point of him coming upon Chloe at the scene where she was nearly killed and onward proves this about him, which is all I really love about this episode. I do understand why Lucifer is written as he is throughout most of this episode, because people have gotten so much into his head and has made him think that him changing for the better was a bad thing for who he "supposedly" is. So, it being "out of character" may not be the best way for me to put why I don't care all that much for the first half of this episode. It does make sense, because Lucifer always does have a tendency to always rebel and go against people when they try to tell him he's going against what he feels he should be. It's just... I don't like how Lucifer suddenly acts against Chloe in order to try to prove that he hasn't changed for the better in the slightest. Lucifer cares more for Chloe than he cares for everyone else. And he loves working alongside her to help get justice for those who are killed or hurt by the sins of the real criminals, and to punish those in the wrong. So... for Lucifer to go against that and to encourage so many people to do all the wrong things, especially with all the drugs, even though I understand why. I guess that I just don't necessarily like seeing this side of him anymore because I love seeing the Devil trying to change to be the good man inside of him. And to me... it doesn't seem like something Lucifer would fall into any longer in regards to him going so against Chloe. I hope all of this makes sense. As for what I love most about this episode, and for my favorite moments... First, I absolutely love how broken Lucifer is upon learning that Chloe was almost hurt when Pierce has been shot protecting her instead. It's so sad seeing Lucifer feeling so guilty because he failed to be there to protect Chloe, when he's always been there for her until this point. And while Lucifer had no idea Chloe would be put in danger, Lucifer ought to feel guilty for being so selfish and set on his path to rebel once again. Because if he hadn't have rebelled, he would have been there to protect her like he should have been. As much as I don't really like Lucifer going against Chloe, I do appreciate seeing him come to realize his mistakes and feel the emotions that comes as a result of his actions. Another of my favorite moments... I love the scene when Lucifer appears behind the killer to punish him for nearly killing Chloe. I love the moment Lucifer unleashes the rage within him as he talks to the killer about how he failed to protect her, while showing his anger he really feels towards himself. And we come to understand this about Lucifer in the moment that Amenadiel arrives just as Lucifer is about to strangle the killer, and reminds Lucifer of his own words from how he has always defended himself when others have continuously accused him of being all evil or a monster... that just because he's the Devil, it doesn't mean he's evil. And thankfully, his own words convince Lucifer to stand down. Absolutely brilliant!! Also... I absolutely love and and am grateful that Amenadiel has come to truly learn and understand this about his brother too, given that throughout all of season one, and since Lucifer became a rebel in Heaven and then was cast into Hell for it, he had always seen Lucifer as all evil too. Thankfully, not anymore and I am so happy that this is so. And it shows just how much Amenadiel has grown as a character since season one. :) And my final and absolute favorite moment within this episode... is the very ending between Lucifer and his brother back inside his penthouse, when Amenadiel tries to share with Lucifer that he is his test from God and that his test is simply to be there for his brother. I love how Amenadiel tries to remind Lucifer that he's more than he believes himself to be, until Lucifer heartbreakingly pushes Amenadiel away because he doesn't want to be helped, because he doesn't feel like he deserves to be helped. Because Lucifer once again believes he deserves to be punished, and is angry with anyone who is trying to tell him otherwise. Lucifer's words to his brother are cruel and harsh, and I'm just so grateful that Amenadiel understands that Lucifer doesn't really mean the words he's saying and that he is simply lashing out upon being unable to accept his help. Amenadiel knows that Lucifer doesn't know ho to deal with the truth, and that Lucifer is lashing out at him simply to avoid it. Then... the moment Lucifer is staring at himself inside the shattered glass inside the mirror behind his bar, is incredible and so, so, so sad. Because Lucifer believes himself to be the monster the world believes the Devil to be, because he had allowed his anger, rebellious nature, and his inability to see himself as nothing other than evil overtake him, resulting in the one person who means more to him than anyone nearly getting killed. Chloe. Lucifer isn't fighting his change because he doesn't want to admit that he is a good man... he's fighting his change because deep down, he doesn't believe he's a good man. Right now, he is struggling so deeply with trying to understand who he really is. A part of him feels he has to be the Devil the world expects him to be, while the good man in him is fighting to change and become the kind and good man he wants to be. And not just for himself, but especially for Chloe. It's so heartbreaking, and this one scene for me makes up for all the things I didn't care all that much for throughout the rest of the episode. Because it's just so powerful and emotional. And I love that we even see Lucifer's hand trembling when he reaches out to try to play the piano, and to pick up his drink. Phenomenal acting once again from Tom Ellis! Oh... and I really love the effect of the mirror's shattered glass used to show us exactly what he sees. With all of this being said... I really don't care all that much for the side story with Lucifer sleeping with the judge's wife in order to help him sleep and to get back together with his previous wife, or girlfriend either. It's a silly storyline really, but it's also a very Lucifer thing to do. So I get this storyline too. And it does certainly have its funny moments. Next... while I am definitely intrigued by Pierce's character, I still don't care much for his attitude towards everyone. I love the potential for who his character can be, but so far... I really just don't like him at all. I especially hate how his continues to treat Dan, because Dan really has grown so much from season one as well, and he's worked really hard to earn forgiveness for his past mistakes and the respect he craves from the other cops again. And while I love Ella, I really don't understand why she seems to see any kind of chemistry between Pierce and Chloe, because Pierce certainly hasn't shown any kind of indication that he likes her at all, other than that he respects her as a good detective like he tells Chloe in the end. So... I really don't care much for this storyline either. However, I do like the moment between Chloe and Ella, when Ella reminds Chloe that she's more than she's come to believe about herself as well, no thanks to Pierce's attitude towards her and upon him making her think so little of herself. Ella is a good friend to everyone she cares about. And I love this about her. Also... I really love seeing Dan and Amenadiel continue to become friends through their conversations, as they help to lift one another's spirits, and learn how to deal with Lucifer's mockings against them. These two have good chemistry. And lastly... the beginning scene between Lucifer and Amenadiel when Lucifer encourages his brother to walk a mile in his shoes by acting like Lucifer, and to think "What would Lucifer do?"... I love it!! It's so, so funny. It's good advice, but Lucifer explains it all wrong and Amenadiel is terrible at trying to be Lucifer. Hilarious!!! Overall... I love the more touching and powerful moments within this episode. But there's a lot about this episode that I feel could have been a little different to make it better in some of the scenes I don't particularly care much for. Thank you once again for a great reaction, my friend! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi


I really love your insights. And yes, the last scene was very powerful and heartbreaking. We see the devil being so good at psychological torture (finding the weak spot as Maze did in the previous episode).