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Dawson is on a downward spiral




So, uh, that happened... Haha I feel awful for Tobias, he's clearly terrified. Yeah, he did an amazing job! That final scene where we finally get to see his face while switching through personalities is brilliant! His face completely changes when he's Charles, to when he's Tobias. He's brilliant. Really makes you feel for Tobias, but hate Charles. JJ and Reid splitting up was such a bad idea, but it made sense. They were the only ones there, they knew Hotch knows where they are and they couldn't let the Unsub escape, plus there was some miscommunication. Spencer called out to JJ to let her know what was happening, but she didn't quite hear what he said. Also, he probably would've been fine if he hadn't heard JJ scream and then gunshots. Hearing JJ in trouble completely freaked him out, he panicked and started running, catching Hankle's attention, then called out to her making it even more obvious that he was there. If those dogs hadn't attacked poor JJ, and she hadn't screamed, he probably would've been fine. This in no way means I'm blaming JJ for any of this, she was attacked by some dogs and she screamed because anyone would, that's not her fault. It's just the circumstances. Had one thing gone different, it's likely that he would've actually just been able to arrest Hankle. Things to remember while watching this. Like you said, it's a crime show about people with mental illnesses most of the time. They're Behavioural Analysts, that means most of the time, the Unsubs will have some type of mental illness. I've seen people get so upset by the fact that basically all the characters with mental illness on here are the bad guys, but that's the point of the show. And they do say often that not everyone with these illnesses go on to kill or hurt people. And we do have some characters with these issues that are good people, like Spencer's Mum. We obviously don't get many, because that's not what the show is about. (This isn't me being annoyed or anything, just things to remember while watching because it CAN get difficult with certain things.) But also, at this point in the show, like you saw this episode, it takes place in 2007. So there's quite a bit of outdated information on certain things as far as I remember. They try to be as respectful as they can to people with these mental illnesses, but there will be some outdated information that you'll probably have to get by. It does get better with that though as it goes on, as they use information available at the time of filming, obviously. (It's not too bad, I don't think, as it's not THAT long ago, but I do know it happens sometimes...) Just thought I'd say this, try to kinda warn you about possible issues with things. This episode is one that I was so excited for your reaction to. And I feel safe in saying the same about next episode here, as it was left on a cliffhanger that kinda indicates it'll be an episode I'm excited for. I wanted so bad to say "You should watch episode 14 and 15 together as they're a 2 parter." but I couldn't because SPOILERS! Haha Gotta love how the episode started so fun for the Team (not for the first victims though...) they were out at a bar having fun and just hanging out together, and Gideon was at some other place getting some painting or whatever. Basically they were all enjoying themselves in one way or another. Then by the end of the episode, both JJ and Reid are in serious danger... Wonderful...