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Kelly Parks

Jessica Jones and Luke Cage are both Marvel comic book characters with extensive histories.

Eric Pfeiffer

Great sophomore episode. We got a lot of useful information and an appearance by the world's creepiest siblings! I like that, for all her traumas and subsequent personality disorders, Jessica is a very competent detective. They definitely gave us a real feel for Killgrave and how sinister he is, in just 2 episodes he has already been established as one of the most horrifying villains in the MCU. I really like Trish too. I think the nose bleed was just a result of an accident from roughhousing with her trainer. She was covered in bruises so it's not a stretch to think that she got popped in the schnozz. :) The bar fight with Luke was cool, as well. Looking forward to these reactions, this is gonna be fun!


Dude Kilgrave is one scary mofo. Like ... that whole scene with him and that family was terrifying! And yeah I loooove Trish, shes very interesting and I want to see more of her. That is true about the nose but since I didn't see a bruise on her face I thought it was more than that.