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Kelly Parks

"Let's not get lost in the who, what, whens." A handy phrase. It reminds me of one of my favorite lines from The Simpsons, when Homer said, "It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen."

Kelly Parks

Ha! The way you cringed at Walt's kiss attempt.

Kelly Parks

I used to be a professional stand up comic. There's an awesome club in Albuquerque I performed at many times so I've been to that airport a lot. I like when they show it.

Kelly Parks

Important lesson: Mike works for Gus, not Saul.

Kelly Parks

He is a good actor.

Kelly Parks

Saul is awesome. I love Saul Goodman. It makes me think it's all good, man.

Kelly Parks

Clearly, Skyler fucked Ted because that's the only way she had to hurt Walt.

Kelly Parks

It's kind of sad for Ted. He's a pawn, being used to hurt others.


Yeah which explains how the cousins were called off because Mike was the one who told Gus about it.

Clara V.

100% And as far as her relationship with Walt is concerned, she is well within her rights to do so. An obligation to be faithful only exist if and because both parties agree at the start that they want it to. If one of them changes their mind later on for any reason, the right thing to do is to say it and if an agreement can't be reached, break up. All of which she did. She made it very clear that she no longer considers Walt her romantic partner. So as far as just the "cheating" (I wouldn't even call it that at this point) is concerned, Ted is the person I also feel most bad for, because he did not know the full circumstances when that happened and that's not okay. But also, knowing that she is a married woman with 2 children and not really having knowledge of their seperation, if he didn't ask about that situation and why she was suddenly so willing to sleep with him before it happened, that means he didn't want to or care to know the circumstances, which means he's really equally responsible (for his own situation and his own part in this mess, anyway (although we also just don't really know the specifics of that. It's all a mess, basically)).