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This was so much fun!!



Eric Pfeiffer

2 words for this; woo hoo1 LOL It was smart that they set it in the past, it helps keep it from seeming dated There are currently 4 movies total in the series, although a 5th one is in the works. The first 3 were released between 1981 and 1989, the 4th one didn't come out until 2008. This one and the 3rd one are my favorites, but I like all of them.

Eric Pfeiffer

The iconic scene where Indy shoots that guy with the sword came about because Harrison Ford was sick the day they filmed the scene. He was supposed to fight the guy but HF wasn't up to it and suggested to Spielberg that he just shoot him and the rest is cinematic history.

Eric Pfeiffer

I just realized that I have spent 4 hours on your Patreon today. No regrets, it was time well spent. :)

Kelly Parks

At the college level there needs to be a course in Modern Culture that gets everyone caught up on all the movies they need to see.

Kelly Parks

Stop thinking about his dad. This is just Indy.

Kelly Parks

She's carrying it around because reasons.

Kelly Parks

"The monkey's a nazi?!" He did salute.

Kelly Parks

Entitlement? No. Just the advantage that comes from being a citizen of a superpower. And the only reason you don't speak German.


Ok but we can be a bit entitled. I cant tell you how many times I have seen Americans get angry because people here dont speak English and refuse to even try and learn the language while living here. Like ... you do realize that this is the Czech Republic and not America, right?


I loved the setting. I am looking forward to watching more of it. Wasnt Shia in the last one? I hear its not that good

Eric Pfeiffer

I wrote that comment before watching A Nightmare Before Christmas with you and Kim, so it was more like 5 and a half hours.

Eric Pfeiffer

Yes, Mr. LaBouf was in the last one. It was okay. The weakest of the series but still watchable.