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This movie got me in the feels real bad. 

Warning: Ugly crying. Also some time around 1:25 my recording program started freezing up but it only lasts for like 5 minutes. Sorry about that.  Probably need to find a better recording program. 



Kelly Parks

Yeah. This is a rough one. I absolutely love it but have not been able to bring myself to watch it again. So many amazing moments, like when you see that the reason the little girl stopped singing in that video wasn't because she forgot the words -- it was because that's when she realized her father wasn't there... I'm a father and a grandfather and that really got me. And then, at the end, when singing that song saves her life!


Its so emotional and yeah it would be hard to watch a second time. Especially those scenes with the people on the train and that horrible guy ugh. My anxiety could not take it a second watch. And omg that's so sad. I dont think I have cried this much in a horror movie before.

Eric Pfeiffer

I must really like you two, because I categorically hate zombie movies, yet here I am for the second evening in a row watching a freakin' zombie movie. Damn you two for being so entertaining!