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Once again Walt is right, by Jesse being so soft he could get all his guys killed and even himself. I know the drug scene and I know the streets and I'm going to say it again unless Jesse makes a name for himself He's looking for trouble


You girls are too young to know, when Hank drop the shot of whiskey into his beer that's called a boilermaker. They were very popular with the old timer

Kelly Parks

No crocs in the rio grande. But there are plenty in the swamps of Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. Not Lake Placid sized but pretty big all the same.

Kelly Parks

Well, Walt's also worried about dying and achieving his goal of leaving money behind for his family in the time he has left. And he can't be the one who "takes care of it" because he has to remain anonymous.


yeah I definitely understand but he is also putting a lot on jesse's shoulders and demanding things from him. it's not really fair when jesse is doing the best he can with what he has. hes just a kid );

Clara V.

Honestly, if I met him at a party I probably wouldn't want to be his friend, but I think Hank is one of the greatest most complex and well-written characters in TV history. And in a way that we don't see often. Hank isn't just a great character, his story has something to say that isn't obvious and that's pretty amazing.