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Kelly Parks

Fun fact: As they enter the main area of the prison and the other prisoners begin throwing things at them, one of the prisoners (wide eyed little old man) is Lloyd Kaufman, founder of Troma Films. Troma makes super low budget super gory B movies (think Roger Corman but gorier). Troma is also where Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn got his start as a filmmaker and director.

Kelly Parks

The science geek in me feels compelled to point out that aside from an appallingly poor understanding of inertia, this movie's worst science mistake is showing exposure to the vacuum of space causing people to freeze. No. Wrong. Space is not cold. Vacuum is an excellent insulator. If you get tossed out an airlock you will quickly die of suffocation and then your corpse would very gradually cool off. You'd end up a mummified husk, but you would not freeze.

Kelly Parks

Yondu's right hand man (skinny, dark hair, not so bright) is director James Gunn's brother Sean Gunn. Sean also wore the motion capture suit for Rocket Raccoon so all of Rocket's movement is him.

Kelly Parks

3D mostly sucks. I've never seen a 3D movie where the effect added to the story.


I feel its kind of pointless most of the time. The only time I enjoyed a 3D movie was The Nightmare Before Christmas but that was actually 3D where the characters were coming out of the screen and stuff


Yeah I was wondering what that was and why they decided to do that. I dont think Ive ever seen that in any other space movie before