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Kelly Parks

"Why did Loki need that blue light to bring him there?" Because Thor broke the Bifrost -- the Asgardian bridge bewteen worlds. Also, see how tough Asgardians are? Those bullets hit Loki, including at least one right in the face. Didn't hurt him at all.

Kelly Parks

Love the scene between Banner and Natasha. She was scared of him and she does not scare easy.

Kelly Parks

The cellist. We meet her in Agents of SHIELD, season 1.

Kelly Parks

It was $10, but yeah.

Kelly Parks

The true nature of Captain America's shield. Vibranium reflects back any force applied to it, including magic hammers.

Kelly Parks

Yes, this is pre-HYDRA. It's there, but very well hidden.

Kelly Parks

"Shanked by the Asgardian Mussolini", as Coulson would later put it. Now he's on his way to the Guest House.

Kelly Parks

Fury is a student of Churchill. "Never let a crisis go to waste."

Kelly Parks

I love the connectedness of the MCU. The Chitauri Invasion is part of the storyline of all the other Marvel Shows. The entire first season of Daredevil is about corruption in the construction industry as New York is rebuilt following the attack.

Kelly Parks

It's not shown, but certainly thousands died during the invasion.

Kelly Parks

Because of this movie, I tried schwarma. Not a fan.

Kelly Parks

Oh no! You stopped like a minute too soon. There was one more scene at the very end of the credits.

Kelly Parks

Not the Thanos one. Something else. It's very short and it's at the very end of the credits.