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omg please dont hate me, i was supposed to get home at 4 but the train was almost 4 hours late and i didnt have time to watch everything i wanted to watch and Kim has to work so she cant stay late. Anyway, I PROMISE that tomorrow we'll watch this movie GOD DAMN IT. Were starting early to watch this and Falling Skies.

ALSO, The first episode of THE FOLLOWING, which will be in the roster instead of Veronica Mars is coming tomorrow. HELL ON WHEELS is also joining the roster <3 on Thursdays instead of 12 Monkeys.

So good thing this week <3

Again, thank you guys for your patience, I know it sucks to have to wait so I really appreciate it. We took my nephew to his first concert and it was amazing. My sister is also doing great so life is good. How are you guys doing? Let me know!


Em McG



house of cards? 2 weeks none? : )