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I absolutely love the perfection of storytelling in this show, it always blows my mind every time I get closer to the end. Each episode just up the caliber for me. Only the finale left, do you think everything will be answered?

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

T&T said that when they were filming S1, they knew they wanted Hannah to have a significant role, so they planned out who she was at the same time they were writing/casting S2. Brooke Williams, who plays Hannah, was told who she was on her first day. She is the only one who knew. Jennifer didn’t cut herself, they’re basically friction wounds on her finger tips from writing with the chalk non stop for a couple days. Can’t wait for all the tears and mind melting that the finale is going to bring. I definitely agree with you about the characters making a show more enjoyable. It’s part of reason why I think this is the superior time travel show to Dark. I love these people so much more than the characters in Dark, so even tho Dark has a great story, (and they definitely stole some of the story beats from this one,) I didn’t actually like anyone enough to be emotionally invested in them. Not like this show. I’ve seen it a dozen times and I will still cry next week.