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This was the 200th episode! So good!!


And from what I've heard, Sam and Dean's reactions to the Carry On Wayward Son performance was real, it was the first time J2 had actually seen it. Poor Adam though... I love that mention of him still being trapped in Hell. Sucks that Sam and Dean just share an awkward look about it and just brush it off though. Like, POOR ADAM!!! 😭 At least someone remembers him! And Chuck showing up at the end! I'm SO glad they didn't put Rob's name in the opening credits. Sometimes shows will do that, and I'm pretty sure SPN has done it too, and it's just annoying because it spoils this moment that should be a surprise. But also, if they'd put his name in at the beginning of this episode, I feel like a lot of people (who know the actors' names, anyway) would just spend the whole episode waiting for him to show up. So yeah, I'm glad they saved his name for the end credits...