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Richard Higgs

Regarding Deacon and the little wink he gives Jennifer in the Emerson before he leaves, not saying what it means, but just go back and watch the end of s3 ep9 where they have Jennifer locked up in the cage that they used to have Olivia locked up in, and she starts pounding her head on the floor and acting all messed up and says she wants to go home, so Jones agrees and sends her home and when she is sitting in the machine, right before she disappears, she gives Deacon the same wink.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I honesty thought you would be more confused watching this instead of 4x1, but you just rolled with it lol no worry about how we got away from Titan, how Jones is suddenly healed from her stab wound, how on Earth we have Jennifer back from 2019, why Deacon is working with Tall Man but giving Jennifer “trust me” winks, WHY OLIVIAS EYES are like that. No questions, just trusted the show would tell you when you needed to know. I love that. lol. Did you rewatch this ep before 4x6? Just to give yourself better context for what happened?