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Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

We didn’t see Elliot die in S1. He had already left when Cole and Cassie got there and the shooting happened. The last time we saw him was in 2x9, when the Tall Man came to recruit him, and he was ranting about being discredited because a body had been found at the facility (Ramses guy who Cole killed.) We found out that Jennifer was hearing the primary voices a couple of episodes ago. She was ranting about it to her cooler self. But now we know why, everyone shut up so that Olivia wouldn’t hear anything through the timeline. It was a stupid thing for Jennifer to do, drinking the red tea, but I completely understand WHY she did it. She has major abandonment issues caused by her childhood, the her dad locking her up, and this new time travel “family hasn’t helped. They’ve not only also locked her up, but think about how Cole treated her when he came to get her from Paris, how Katerina ALWAYS treats her. She must be terrified of being abandoned by them if they know she can’t help with her Primary powers, and I’m so glad that Cassie understands that. I really love the friendship that those two have formed.