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Fredrik IB

An answer to a question you asked in a previous episode about Jeff and Lester, and whether or not they have fans. They absolutely do. A lot of people love "Jeffster" and their absurdities. What I find redeeming in the show's portrayal of these dumbasses is that they never win. They are miserable and keep "losing". Look at It's Always Sunny in P.. These characters are all horrible, but I love the show. But if these characters kept winning, it wouldn't be as enjoyable. Anyway, I like Jeffster and Mr. Roboto at the end of S2 is a good highlight. They're not my favourites, by any means, but I like what they bring most of the time. I don't like all their scenes, of course, and sometimes they just take it too far in the creepy direction.


The creepiness can be too much sometimes but i agree with your take, maybe i'm just nostalgic for the show so i like most characters after viewing it in full a few times :D

Fredrik IB

Great reaction! Ahh, the infamous "Fake Name" episode. I know it's some people's least favourite of the entire show, but I quite like it. Most of it, at least. But boy, oh boy... That breakup at the end there. Chuck, my dude. You don't come across as a good guy there even though we know your intentions are good. And as we have seen, him having a normal relationship just wont work. We saw it with Lou the sandwich girl and we see it now. Just... find a better way to do it next time, capiche? But this is also what I love about the show. Chuck isn't faultless. Despite being a good person most of the time, he, as much as anyone in life, makes mistakes. They manage to make him the bad guy here, but it's also still completely in line with him as a character. Love it. And then it's Sarah and her inner turmoil with watching Chuck changing right before her eyes. Watching the person she fell for become someone different, so she is resorting to some easy comfort (Shaw), even if it's clearly not about him. Man I can't wait for the next episode!