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Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Athan explained to Cassie that he tried different medicines to try and cure Eliza, modern day medicines. It had an adverse reaction that killed her anyway. So, I think her death is a fixed point. Or as much as we can have one in this show. Because even with foreknowledge and modern medicines, she still dies. The idea of the Red Forrest is yet another bootstrap paradox. We’ll never know who had the original idea now because everyone has influenced everyone else about it all through their timelines lol I love the little details that are thrown in too, with Athan. Like him telling Eliza that he puts Lavender and Jasmine on her body, we see him doing that just before Cassie and Cole catch up to him, and that he probably picked that up from the time he spent with The Tall Man when they were children. The fact that he tried to save her 607 times. Jennifer has been “hearing” about 607 since beginning of S2; suite 607, Jones phone number, “the way home is 607.” I love the conversations that Athan has with Cassie and Cole. And it makes perfect sense that he would try to meet them, get a sense of who they are, when they’re so young they won’t even remember a random encounter with him. And it also makes perfect sense that Cassie would accidentally give him the confirmation that he feels he needs to create the Red Forrest, and become the horrible being he’s had visions of since he was a boy. When Cassie was dosed with the red tea and she was talking to The Witness disguised as Aaron about the Red Forrest, afterwards, she said that it sounded almost beautiful. She said things in favour of it a few times. It’s a major difference between Cole and Cassie. Cole’s goal has always been to break the cycle, put things right, stop the plague so Cassie doesn’t die, even tho doing that means he will never meet her. Cassie, wants to save everyone, but also doesn’t want to give up Cole. I LOVE that little scene between Jennifer and Deacon as she’s being splintered. 😉”like a fox.” And the little look around he does to see if anyone else saw it. You’re not ready for the finale. It’s one of my favourite episodes of tv.