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Sit back and listen to the sweet sound of the boys talkin’ bout the ‘berg. This episode covers 1981’s Raiders of the Lost Ark!

If you want more of this series, its releases alternate between the Small Beans network and the Gamefully Unemployed network. To receive all episodes, patronize both channels at https://www.patreon.com/SmallBeans and https://www.patreon.com/GamefullyUnemployed


Abe Epperson: https://twitter.com/AbeTheMighty

Tom Reimann: https://twitter.com/startthemachine

Art/Logo created by Michael Vincent Bramley.

Check our store to buy Small Beans merch! https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-small-beans-store?ref_id=22691



James Duf

Helllllll yeah

Rebel Girl

German submarines only submerged during wartime as policy. That’s because they had to run on batteries while submerged and charge them with the diesel engine. Fun fact: The British tried steam powered submarines. Less fun fact: So many people died! But I digress. If war was declared you don’t want to start the first hours of a war with dead batteries and no ability to submerge. If anything it’s weird the captain or someone on the conning tower didn’t see him as there would generally be someone on watch for other ships and such even if they weren’t on a secret mission.