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Michael and Abe are joined by Vanessa Guerrero to discuss 1974’s Phantom of the Paradise, directed by Brian De Palma. All three weigh in on this cult classic and bask in the glory of Beef. If you enjoy the campy, wild style of films like Rocky Horror Picture Show or Eraserhead, you should watch this movie.


Vanessa Guerrero: https://twitter.com/nessguerrero

Michael Swaim: https://twitter.com/SWAIM_CORP

Abe Epperson: https://twitter.com/AbeTheMighty

Check our store to buy Small Beans merch! https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-small-beans-store?ref_id=22691



Steve Gillow

As an oldster, it's hard to explain how ubiquitous Paul Williams was in the 1970's, from the sit coms to the variety shows to talk shows to movies. I really feel 'Phantom of the Paradise' might be the only time he was allowed to genuinely act instead of just being Paul Williams. It would have been interesting to see him in something besides throw away parts.


I can't believe Abe just called me out for listening to podcasts about movies i haven't seen. Don't ask me if I'm OK.