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If you forgot, this show takes a Futurama episode and thematically pairs it with an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, which works surprisingly well.

This episode Michael and David discuss Assassin’s Creed for some reason. Then, they cover the classic episode “Parasites Lost.”

This show exclusively releases every other episode here on the Small Beans patreon. Wimmy Wam Wam Wozzle!


Michael Swaim: https://twitter.com/SWAIM_CORP

David Bell: https://twitter.com/MovieHooligan

Check our store to buy Small Beans merch!





You missed my favorite joke where Fry introduces himself to the worms by pointing at the statue of “the known universe“

James Crosslin

On the topic of keeping the worms, humans already house trillions of organisms that are not genetically human that offer us benefits. Our gut bacteria for example improve our lives dramatically and we would be worse off if they were gone. Keeping the worms is a no-brainer and would be natural for us to do.


Star Trek doesn’t have security cameras because security culture is against their egalitarian principles 🙌

Antha Auciello

Fun fact you could write a holonovel for vr headsets