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As we recently announced, we're making a movie and a true crime podcast, and we're making them in full view of you, our Patrons. Today, we worked on the movie! In this episode, Michael and Abe discuss pre-vis and pre-production strategy.

Check our store to buy Small Beans merch! https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-small-beans-store?ref_id=22691


Cody Franks

When the time comes let me know what, if anything, I can do to help this project soar. For example: when the you are ready to start trying to attract attention towards funding and community support, I would be more than happy to run a bump/promo in the ad space on my podcast (free of charge of course!). My audience is small, but as they say, "Cast a wide net". And also if I may be so bold to suggest a marketing name for those who want to buy in or support all of your endeavors? Call them "The Bean Arch" It is the framework that helps beans grow, after all.

Ryan Oskroba

If you're looking to get a boat-load of audio transcribed to text with timestamps, Google Cloud does it pretty cheap: https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/pricing The interface and output aren't super user-friendly and the transcription isn't always perfect, but two people talking slowly and clearly in an interview on two audio channels is basically the best-case scenario for automated transcription, and it costs like 3 bucks per hour of audio.