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As we recently announced, we're making a movie and a true crime podcast, and we're making them in full view of you, our Patrons. Today, we worked on the Furry Movie! In this episode, Michael and Abe continue their “Sarah pass.” We start the big cliff scene with our newest version of Sarah. It starts to get pretty brutal.

Tags: Beanus Content, Behind The Beans, Movie Beans

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Kyle Oddson

A not-quite-fully-formed thought just occurred to me. Based on: I would be very willing to bet this is actually honestly the first time an audience has been privy to the writing of a screenplay with such transparency. There may be an interesting psychological study here. Eg, I just found myself reflecting on how well I feel I know Trey. And I realized it’s changed over the course of the revisions. Point is: psychological studies are not WELL funded, but they are funded. If you could somehow find the right psych researcher, somebody interested in the mental relationship with fictional characters, this might be a unique research opportunity to study how the audience reacts to characters AS they’re being developed, during their actual development. If you could find an interested researcher, I doubt the research money would markedly help with production. And I don’t know how you would find such a researcher (or even if that’s necessarily part of psychology). What occurred to me is that, AFAIK, this podcast is legit history making, and I find myself changing my react

Kyle Oddson

*changing my reaction to the characters based upon the new information you imbue them with; as though they are real live changing people, over a much shorter time span than people usually change. And that seems inherently interesting