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A new Frame Rate logo! Holy wow! Michael Vincent Bramley, our very own MVB has updated our logo and we think it’s the beans! 

This Parker Posey vehicle was widely unseen by everyone. Let’s let Abe and Michael determine if that was a shame. In any case, it’s available for streaming and is the only incestuous Jackie O drama/thriller that came out in 1997. Even if you don’t listen, if you like Parker Posey and have never heard of this film, go check it out. She’s fantastic.

Everyone thank Zac Schwartz and Vera for generously donating toward this episode. We love you, Zac Attack. 


Michael Swaim: https://twitter.com/SWAIM_CORP

Abe Epperson: https://twitter.com/AbeTheMighty

Logo by Michael Vincent Bramley: https://www.instagram.com/mvbramleyart/



red sands

Ohhh. Allison Janney played the mom on stage in 95. This is one o would like to see a stage production of


The way of talking from GoT that sounds medieval to you guys is a real current accent in the UK , it's Yorkshire dialect (I'm from and live in Yorkshire). It does seem that Hollywood uses English accents that aren't received pronunciation or London/cockney for historic/fantasy settings, which I guess speaks to what you were saying about how our idea of what sounds right for a time or setting comes from films rather that what would actually be correct.


See also the Hobbits in LOTR having West Country accents.