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Just a public service announcement that while the world is on fire and we're all stuck in our homes, we're trying to find new ways to create content and connect with you guys remotely. Oh yeah. It's gonna get real remote in here. Somebody hit the lights. A lot of that will happen on Twitch, due to ease and expediency. So we're hoping to increase that style of content on our Twitch channel.

For example, in the last few days, we've played games and streamed our writing process. Ah yes, the riveting visuals of Michael and Abe separately sitting, near-motionless, listening to music in a room with the light tapping of keyboard keys. Some of you are seriously messed up.

Here's two of Michael writing: 1 2 

And one of Abe: 1

Also, we're making a video game. Neither of us are game devs, but it's technically a Small Beans thing as we're both creating it from scratch. It's very irregular to what you're used to here on this channel. It will be a story written by us and will be built using a new PS4 game development game called Dreams. Find more info about Dreams here.

We will be creating a game from the ground up that will eventually be playable for people who have Dreams. For those not willing to shell out the cash for a PS4 game or just don't want to play, it will eventually turn into a video where you can watch others play the game. Until then, if you're so inclined, we'll be streaming the development of it on that channel. It's not a Kickstarter, just something we knew we wanted to do, so if you want to see the sausage being made it will be periodically streamed.

Make sure to follow us on Twitch, or even up your support by subscribing. In the future, we'd like to simultaneously stream on Twitch and Youtube at the same time. We'll post an update if and when we figure that out. Oh and Adam also streams!

If you're just here for those podcasts and audio/video content, keep subbing to our YT channel and/or giving us 5 stars on iTunes if you're so inclined. It really helps us out! It allows more people to find the channel and brings us closer to making this our full-time thing.

That's it, you infinitesimal, lilliputian, demonstrably diminutive bean, you. Now, scram (and thanks for your support)!



I've been working with Dreams quite a bit! If you find yourselves wanting help with ANYTHING feel free to hit me up.