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Sometimes, in his role as a Video Programmer at IGN, Michael is tasked with hastily but thoroughly researching a pop culture topic, then explaining it to another staffer who plays the "n00b" as an excuse for us to unpack our favorite lore, have a little fun, and explain little bits of Star Wars canon that may not be known to those too busy to have seen all of Clone Wars. Then we post it to Youtube and everyone who's already seen Clone Wars (who by definition the video is not for) gets really upset that they sat and watched a whole thing about stuff they already know. Sounds like a them problem to the Bean-Boys. At any rate, here's a video!


How Magick Differs From Force in Jedi: Fallen Order

If you haven't played Star War Jedi: Fallen Order yet, maybe do that real quick before you watch this video. There are some minor spoilers here, but I'll be you're gonna have some of the same questions that I had after playing it. Go on, I'll wait! ... ... ... Welcome back! Pretty great game, right? But what the hell was up with that OP green magick baloney on Dathomir? I had to ask my friend Swaim here to explain how it does (or doesn't) intersect with "the force" to me, and if you'd also like to know, you should probably watch this too, buddy! -Jeremy #ign #gaming #starwars



The Ichor transfusion lets even non-forcies use the force. it's basically a big ole snot bubble of Medichlorians.