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As we discussed on the recent stream (above), Swaim's gotta write an Off Hours episode about the "Least Likeable Everyman Sitcom Protags" and could use the group's help. If you can direct us to a data point, story arc, character moment, or bit of dialog we end up using, you'll get your name in the credits and our eternal gratitude.

We're currently trying to find data to discredit the following people: Leonard Hofstadter (Big Bang Theory), Ted Mosby (How I Met Your Mother), Eric Foreman (That 70's Show), Jim Halpert (The Office). 

Thanks in advance to anyone who shares their sitcom knowledge! 


Off Hours! Writers' Room

There will be spoilers for the new episodes of Off Hours, insofar as we'll be reading the rough drafts of the scripts and discussing them. Yo! We love you and what you're all about!



I know I'm late to the party, but I's gots shit to say: It's hard to shit on Ted Mosby because the show does it for you, constantly. Dude's a psychopath, and television and movies are to blame. Jim Halpert is an asshole. Dwight clearly has some form of autism or another mental disorder of some kind, and Jim uses that to relentlessly bully him. What sane, rational person would believe in a time-travel capable fax machine? Eric never gets over his inbred misogyny despite dating the ultimate feminist. There are repeated story arcs of Eric thinking he has to be better than Donna at things simply because he's a man. He can't accept that she's better than him at basketball and pulls her pants down in front of their friends, the only way he can have fun while they play games is by not keeping score, the sore loser. When he bombs the SATs, he blames his inability to focus on her being a distracting influence, instead of having the self control to NOT daydream about being James Bond during a very important test. Then he studies to retake the test, saying that he HAS to get a better score than her. He breaks up Donna because she won't accept his promise ring. She knows that they're too young to be making a commitment like that, and instead of taking responsibility for the breakup being his fault, Eric spends the whole season moping and blaming Donna, spying on her and trying to sabotage her relationship with Casey Kelso. This is all aside from how he treats his mom. Eric wishes his mom wouldn't talk so much, like ever, but he's perfectly content to accept the food she provides. Anytime Kitty speaks, which is usually to provide helpful information or advice, even regarding things the boys find to be "gross," Eric basically tells her to shut up. And when his parents get him a present, instead of accepting it graciously he complains that it isn't what he wanted. He's a horrrrrrible person. I'm sure there's bad stuff about Leonard, but I never gave it much thought.


Put some of this on Twitter too (and mad props to The Kelsey B, for adding to it) - JD on Scrubs is pretty bad. My worst for him is in season 5 when he refuses to fire one of his interns (Cabbage) because he likes him. This is in spite of multiple other characters telling him to do it. As a last act, Cabbage says goodbye to a patient with a weak immune system the entire hospital has been working to heal. He does so after touching an infected glove (reminder, he's a horrible intern), which winds up screwing up her immune system. (Season 5 Episode 12) Other points - he sleeps with TCW at her widow's funeral (Season 2 Episode 18). He messes up Elliot's relationships multiple times. He left the hospital once to try and get a thank you from a garbage man, which almost resulted in him being blamed for a patient's death (before lucking out into being another cause) (Season 5 episode 8)