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Hey gang! Sarah and Bridgett are planning a whole episode of Rough Stuff about YOUR hometown tales of adolescent shame. 

Did you used to suck? Did people used to make fun of you for reasons? Please tell us all about it, either in the comments below or @roughstuffpod on Twitter so we can have fun reading them on the air and laughing at your human misery!

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee love you!


Seth Swanson

I mean... do you guys want to hear about how my friends and I made "The Power Team" when I was in grade school of which I was the "Team Scientist"? Or how about when in a desperate bid to be "popular" or at least "liked and not bullied" I ran every year for the student council in middle school, the whole while I had to wear a "binator" (think full MOUTH retainer WITH headgear at school. I could also go into how, once I hit my growth spurt I hit six feet well before anyone else in high school and the basketball coach had greed in his eyes. He convinced me to go out for the team (though I had no interest in sports and didn't know a damn thing about basketball). The lasted half way through my first season during my freshman year where he took me aside after my second game and asked me if I would like to be the student who recorded the games. I was led to believe that "lettering" in sports would benefit me in applying to colleges. So not only did I record the basketball games, but I was the student manager (a.k.a. "water boy") for the football team. It was a job I hated with every fiber of my being, but I did it because I thought I was investing in my future. Eventually, I quit that, only to have the football coach offer me my own number if I came back because no one else was willing to do the job. Thankfully, I refused. I was too busy doing other manly things, like Swing Choir, Choir, Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band and a half-dozen other musical activities. Also, I'm the reason that my high-school had to put in a "maximum page count" on the yearly short story assignment because I've never written a short story that didn't turn into a novel.


The twitter post said email, so I did that...