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The Bechdel Cast host Jamie Loftus returns to ride the roller coaster of hacking, sexual assault, efficient Swedish filmmaking and Daniel Craig that is TGWTDT. Abe and Michael are also there to kick a hornet's nest and play with fire, respectively.




I read the book TGWTDT but couldn't bring myself to watch the movie because of the rape scene. It was hard to read through it and i knew seeing it would be even worse. I did like the book though, but agree with you guys on where the story has it's failings, especially towards the way it portraits Lisbeth and Mikael's dynamic. I feel like it could have shown her much more empowered and independent by the end.

Drew Mancini

Oh man, okay, I rewatched the original Swedish film, and man did Fincher put a hat on a hat. He took an already supremely edgy source material and arbitrarily put his own, further edge on it. It was like somebody gave him a perfectly fine spaghetti sauce, if that was the sort of thing you were in the mood for, and then dumped two jars of Ragu on top of it. I would recommend the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Again, if that’s what you’re in the mood for. I see why they didn’t make the other two films.


Fincher has a tendency to fetishize tragedy or at least play it up. A better film, Fight Club, also editorialized the most brutal aspects of the Palahniuk book. - Abe