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Thank you. To the incredible community of Cracked, Muskets!, and comedy fans who have made Small Beans something special, and in a record amount of time. We feel so juzzed to be able to make a living doing what we love, and feel said love beamed back at us from our patrons in the form of modest sums of cash.

But at the same time as we've enjoyed the special connection with our most avid fans, we have to recognize that content behind our paywall is suffering in terms of exposure. Greatly. Case-in-point: Disney Owns You episodes available to the puclic have been viewed an average of 40,000 times. Through Patreon? ~200 times. That's fine, that's great, but we also feel a sense of duty to all the talented folks who worked on those sketches, and would like to have them seen by more people. So...

THE DEAL IS: After five months of this crazy experiment, and studying trends and analytics and the results of other Patreon attempts, we have decided that it's not only strategically advantageous, but also hipper and truer to our artistic sensibilities to make the vast majority of our content FREE and hope that the quality of our content, and occasional bonus material (as well as early access to brand new modules) will be enough to encourage our supporters to stick around.

Make no mistake: without y'all, this will wrap up pretty quickly. Your contributions ARE our operating budget. So if you're in it for the perks, we hope you'll continue your support anyway, but understand if we lose you. There will still be special bonus content available to patrons only, but ultimately, we want to make a living while sharing the preponderance of our content with as many humans as possible, and we think this will facilitate that.

Expect our contribution categories and goals section to change in the near future. If you value what we do, we sincerely thank you and hope we won't lose you as a patron. No joke.



Upping my donation to encourage this bold move. I think other Small Beans should do the same! It's quite the gambit they're making.


Yeah I'm fine with that you already earned my money in the first place and I hope that this strategy works for you.