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Tom Reimann of Gamefully Unemployed ventures to the deepest levels of  the Pit, to help Swaim make some sense of the pains, absences, and  stresses that sometimes make self-annihilation seem pretty damn  appealing. That's right; it's the suicide episode. Tread softly and be  brave. You are loved.



Ryan Bowdish

I agree with that. Depressive anxious alcoholic here and I must say there is a lot of similarities between our upbringing and self talk/harm. I want to thank you tremendously for doing this episode because I listened to it for the first time last night while a friend of mine (he just informed me) attempted suicide by overdose. He failed and I was able to relay a lot of this information with him... I don't think I would have been able to dig deep within myself and give him the same objective advice you guys were dishing out here so thank you for the help. Also, Mike, thank you for letting us fans get to know you through these fantastic podcasts. I often find myself strengthening that self awareness muscle you mentioned. Lots of love and I'm so glad to know my money is well spent!


Thank you for having these conversations. This show, feels weird to call it that, is amazing. I know I will never meet any of you, but I feel connected, understand the struggle, and have been down those same dark paths before. I can't describe the eerie feeling I get when I hear the same thoughts I have had come out of other people's voices. Again, thanks.