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Jack was awesome and had me on his new show today! It was a blast, obviously. Hope you like it, and hope I can do it again sometime. 


Wakanda Not REAL?!? Skating To Smooth Sounds Of 9/11 2.13.18

In episode 84, Jack & Miles are joined by comedian Michael Swaim to discuss the Olympics, Trump's new 'Blue Apron' style food stamps, the CFPB's downfall, new immigration bill & Mitch McConnell's deceit, google trends, Uganda Knuckles meme, & more.



So happy to see the old crew still working together, even if it is in limited capacity.


I feel like Swaimster's Paradise was a missed opportunity....


I'm sorry, the judges are telling me it's SwaimstA's, we're going to have to take points away.