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Oh our various gods, a thousand thanks to all of the Small Beans Cool Beans Club members nice/dumb enough to pay us before we've even posted anything! Much love, chumps.

Now that the Beans are out of the beanbag, just know that this is the place to see all the stuff we're gonna make, and that stuff will start appearing...

MONDAY, Dec. 11th, one scant WEEK from TODAY. 

We'll have at least TWO THINGS A WEEK going up from that point forward, and are looking to expand as fast as we can afford to. Your support is the lifeblood of our endeavor, so thank you again, and if you like what you see and hear but are very poor, please tell a friend about us!


Patrick Sullivan

Reading 60% - 100% of each day's latest Cracked articles over breakfast has been a part of my morning routine for the last 6 or so years (I also watch each day's videos). I consume enough of its content that I've given it up for Lent a few times. I'll still be regularly reading Cracked, but I'm very much on board with supporting this new venture. I look forward to your future work!


Swaim, you got me hooked on Cracked about 9 years ago, and never (never) missed a thing you were involved with. Now I'm recovering, and am happy to be a small, little $5 part of what will be the biggest thing out there. Until my wife finds out I spent $5. Then I'll just be happy you're out there doing your thing making people laugh. I really truly love your art/talent/humor and wish you the best in success!