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Hello again. 🤗

Today I bring you the previews of the mods I have been working on these past few weeks.🙂

I have been working hard on the next mods and I think you can get a clear idea of what’s coming up for these characters.😌

First of all, the next mod will be for Charlotte. As I mentioned before, it’s a racing girl outfit or as they like to call it “Racing Queen”. The colors are quite striking and I think so is the outfit. I made the textures reflect so that they look like latex or some reflective material. I really liked the result.😋

I have also made some progress with Beidou’s outfit and the nurse idea, but as you can see there is still a lot to do.😅

The other two characters that I have been focusing on to make an initial outfit model are Collei and Furina. There is still a lot to do and they are only initial concepts, but I already have the idea. For these characters, I would like to do something with a Christmas theme but with their characteristic spicy side.  I hope to make and deliver something that you like and can enjoy while playing in the upcoming holiday season.🥰

For now, I leave you with the test mod I made for Charlotte. I don’t think I’ll change much this time and it won’t be much different from what you can use when it’s available to everyone.

Thank you all for your great support and I hope you can enjoy the next previews. 😊❤️




Looking forward to it