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In the spirit of a certain upcoming US holiday, Jenny Mae just wants to thank all of you who've joined this "Fae-tree-yon" since it kicked off.

I honestly wasn't sure if anyone would feel like my work was worth paying for, or if I'd have to think about throwing in the towel to focus on other things, with real-life expenses piling up. We may not be the biggest Patreon out there, but the support from all of you is what's keeping my creativity and my ability to realize it alive! 

I'm deeply grateful, not only for the financial support, but for being shown that not only do some people out there actually enjoy my work, they can take the time to engage with the stories and the weird nobody who made them. The comments, insight, and feedback I've been receiving here on Patreon are greatly encouraging, especially when it feels that sticking to what I want to make means my work doesn't always get much response elsewhere. Hearing that my comics are being shared around and that others are being encouraged to check them out and support me is also profoundly gratifying!

Anyway, you're all here for the 3D sexy times, so I guess I'll go get back to work on that now. 

Thanks again, and let's keep it going!




Your characters embody altruism and grace, whether from their introduction or by infection from the former. Your Thanksgiving message makes it obvious where those virtues originate. Thanks for demonstrating that sexy adult art doesn't always have to be "deviant," but - instead - can be normative.


Thanks for both the kind words and for being the first one to jump on this humble train! It's immensely gratifying when people not only appreciate your work, but also your reasons for making it.